Recommended Resources

No Snake Oil Referrals Here

Here's our list of recommended, and we feel, trustworthy resources. We have no control or vested interest in these sites; we have simply found them to be on the whole accurate, logical, non-inflammatory and helpful. It is our intention these links will aid your search for solid, trustworthy bed bug consumer information and tools to help you avoid, deal with and survive bed bugs. 

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Bed Bug Beware

Educational information about bed bugs since 2007; run by David Cain a Pest Control Professional in England. His advice and eradication techniques are cutting-edge and based upon thousands of real-life bed bug eradications.

Bed Bug Code of Practice for the control of bed bug infestations in Australia

Considered one of the gold standards to establish appropriate protocols in the bed bug industry; by Stephen L Doggett


This site is top notch. The site administrator is fair, equitable and firm when necessary. The forum is populated with caring experts who donate hours of their time to reassure and advise members.  FAQs, Photos, 'How To' Instructions, etc. 

Bed Bugs Limited

The modern world's first dedicated team of bedbug exterminators with the most trusted treatments and accurate information on bedbugs since 2005. Based in the UK, their standards are a major point of reference.

European Code of Practice

Developed to establish European guidelines, following the Australian Bed Bug Code of Practice

Invisible Itches:  Insect and Non-insect Causes

Handy aid to determine the cause of mystery bites, by Mike Potter, Extension Entomologist, College of Agriculture, University of Kentucky 


Designers of the Bed Bug Closet, Bed Bug Beacon, Bed Bug Blue and ThermoSpot.